I've read most of Dr. Ruf's book - I read the new edition. Wow. I really need to get some stuff off my chest.

I've always known my DD10 is bright. But now I think she's somewhere between level 3 and level 4. I've decided this from looking at pictures and videos and remembering things I'd forgotten. I thought any kid could do these things if that's what they were interested in! I actually kind of thought other people's kids were a little slow. Total denial and ignorance of the rest of the world...

I feel so guilty about time I've wasted. I naturally interacted with her during her preschool years and she learned like a little sponge. But I didn't do anything special or different during her school years and now she's in 5th grade - everything comes so easily to her that any kind of a challenge she views as unpleasant.

I've got her on EPGY, which is going well for her emotionally because she's still doing work that comes very easy.

I'm also teaching her Latin - at her request - and she's doing very well. Even compared to my high school Latin students she's doing GREAT! But on the first exam, she made an 87 raw percentage. I usually have to creatively weigh questions and curve my exams in high school - she beat the average on my high school kids by leaps and bounds!

We are in total break-down mode because she "worked hard" on something (read: she actually paid mental attention to something new and did 2-3 repetitions per skill) and didn't get 100% of the questions right. "Mom! I could have gotten a 100! Those were careless errors!"

I'm re-examining my own school career and re-living my first semester at university where I realized that I had to WORK to make an A. "Work" didn't really mesh well with my self-concept because I'd only ever worked on things that were really important to me and freshman chemistry didn't really light my fire...

Where should I go with her abilities? Dr. Ruf suggests a level three student be accelerated in early elementary. We've missed that boat. Is she ruined after five years of school without having to try? Is she going to be a self-sabotaging, all-or-nothing perfectionist like I was at 18?

For financial and personal reasons, non-traditional education would be exceptionally difficult. Dr. Ruf suggests skipping middle school altogether to live abroad - not really an option for us!

I feel guilty for suddenly thinking I need to push her to do work above her grade level. I don't want her to think being gifted means she has no time for fun.

In short, I'm wigging out. Thank you for listening.

DD12, 7th. Dx'd ADHD/GAD. No IQ test. EXPLORE & SAT just miss DYS but suspect HG+