I can relate. DS5 potty trained himself with #2 at 2 years old. He wouldn't consider going in his pants...but he couldn't bother to go pee. He would go when we told him to or made him, but he would constantly insist he didn't have to go. Life is too fun for him and he doesn't want to stop. He was still getting spots on his pants this summer, just a big spot right in the middle and he would still insist he didn't have to go. It would drive us nuts. I was especially anxious because I was trying to potty train my 2yo DD and instead was trying to make sure that my new 5yo was ready for first grade as he skipped K. I didn't want him to have accidents at school. Anyhow, we still need to ask him if he needs to go and remind him at times, but we don't do it often and he hasn't had any spots on his pants in months. So I guess that is a good thing. And I think he goes in school a few times a day...probably because he gets bored and wants an excuse to go out for a bit. : ) It is quite frustrating though.

Last edited by shellymos; 10/30/09 06:02 PM.