Gifted Mom, unfortunately, I don't have any good advice. My DS7 has done better since I started this thread. He hasn't had anymore accidents. But I'm not sure what, if anything, we did to help. We did talk with him about good times for him to use the bathroom during the day at school. There are still times when we are walking home (we live three blocks from school) that he has to go to wee in a bush because he can't make it home. So I'm not sure how many times during the day he uses the bathroom at school.

And at home, he still does the potty dance all of the time and waits until the very last minute. It drives us crazy! But we've decided to just make it a non-issue at this point and to stop reminding him. And if he does have an accident (usually just in his underpants) then he is responsible for cleaning everything up.

I too would love to hear from anyone else who has ideas on how to deal with this!