What fun!

Harpo (8) wants to be an archaeologist (which seems good to me, since he spends large chunks of his day digging really big holes in the dirt), or else a linguistics professor, or else somebody who gets to read all day and get paid for it (funny, this last was my childhood dream, too...)

Groucho (6) wants very much (very, very much) to run his own theatre company, which strikes me as apt, since he is a great tinkerer, and can put together great costumes, sets and props for his Andy Hardyesque shows-in-the-barn out of the contents of the ragbag and the blue box.

Chico (4) says he wants to be an aerospace engineer. He has already picked his university and his subspecialty, and every time he finds a penny on the sidewalk, he scoops it up and says he's saving it for his university money.
