This teacher really believed holding him back and making him practice coloring without OT of any kind would "fix" his problems. She didn't think he needed to learn anything the next year because his reading and math were advanced. My son wanted to learn so I had to homeschool.

Yeah, there's a good idea. He already knows everything, so it won't hurt him to stay back and spend a year learning how to color. Good lord.

I'm pretty sure our DS7 has some of this SID thing, but I don't know anything specific and haven't really studied it. When he was very small, he would freak out if he got even a drop of water on his clothes, and would have to take them all off. Just about a year ago, he started getting upset with the tags in his shirts--but they hadn't bothered him before.

And of course, it really bothers me to be splashed, so much that kids' bathtime is the worst time of my day, so the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. smile