my 3 1/2 year old who taught himself to read, has sensory integration disorder. he toe walks, so he falls all the time, he does not like loud noises so he tends to hide and cover his ears or lay on the floor and make carpet angels (like snow angels) if things are too loud. he tantrums to no end when he gets overwhelmed(again, usually by noise). he doesn't like the way his clothes feel, he scratches up his skin when he is overwhelmed, sometimes drawing blood. he doesn't like change. i worried about him, and had him evaluated for free by the state early childhood intervention program when he was 2. he was not delayed enough in enough categories to receive services. i waited until he was 3, and contacted the district office and our local school screened him for services by the school. they said his problems would likely not effect his schooling. well...i guess they were "somewhat" right, because right after that....he asked me to teach him to read... i told him i wouldn't teach him to read because he was only 3, so he taught himself and is now reading at the level of a late Kindergartener/early first grader and has 2 more years before he can go to kindergarten.

so now i have a 3 year old academically ready for school, but i'm not sure how those sensory issues will work out.i am going to have him screened through the gifted preschool program. but i am not sure they will want to help him either. as a mom, i know i can not just wait 2 years and then send him to school like a typical kid, because he is exceptional, in 2 ways.