Originally Posted by coffeegirl18
Is there any kind of test I can take beyond an IQ test to see if I'm gifted? I'm horrible at math.
Hi Coffeegirl18,
Welcome! I'm wondering what interests you about finding out if you are gifted?
Many people at your stage of life are trying to figure out a career/destiny path. IQ testing can be a wonderful part of getting to know yourself, and making a 'best guess' if a future career will fit you - if it's done by a knowledgeable person who understand BOTH High IQ and Career counseling.

This is also an age where some people are making life-decisions about who they will spend their lives with. Many Gifties feel that they have stronger marriages because they chose someone who a) is tolerant of their gifted side and b) has a similar overall intellectual level.

You might have a very different reason of your own, yes? I'd love to hear what it is.

I will say that if your friends are achieving at a much higher level than you are, it's a red flag to get help in developing your potential. It's a myth that ALL Gifted People and 'across the board' and good at everything. It's also possible to have a lots of potential but to be blocked for various reasons from really being able to convert potential into achievement. Some of those blocks can be removed with help, some with persistence and some over time. I believe that all people, gifted or not, have vital contributions to make to society, and deserve to put themselves around mentors who can help guide their development.

If you were put in the 'smart' class in 7th grade, that's enough so that you can join most gifted groups. You might be able to contact your school and see what tests they used to decide which kids needed that class, and to find out what percentage of students they were attempting to serve. There isn't any standard definition of 'gifted' and there is no one test that works for everyone. It's more like the process of being better and better able to understand oneself.

Love and More Love,

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