Yes, that all sounds pretty gt to me!
I also wanted to mention that you should try to think separately about any math anxiety as opposed to possible math ability. A big source of anxiety can come from poor performance with math facts/math computation. Early on there is a great emphasis on speed in math facts for kids, setting the stage for feeling negative about math in general, when really there is so much more to math! (And so much more to some kids!)
Just some thoughts, since both my ds and I struggle with this question, and it took me a long time to come to a career in Computers which I really enjoy, but early on thought I would never be able to handle. (It turns out I am more gifted in math/visual spatial ability and logic than just purely verbal ability).
There are some threads around here about separating out these various aspects of 'math abilty' from processing speed and anxiety issues, and rote-memorization "revulsion"... wink