I am a first grade teacher, and my school uses the CogAT. I've had very mixed results with test. Some of my gifted kids have tested very high with it, and others have bombed (or just missed the mark even though they totally stand out to me). I think that private testing would always be a better option because it is one-on-one. Could you wait until you get the CogAT results and then decide? I think there is enough data out there about the results of group vs. private testing that you could go to the school after the CogAT with other results and they should be receptive. I know that our school is open to accepting private results if group testing doesn't show giftedness. Good luck to you! Also, would the school accept the WPPSI results? What about teacher recs and achievement?

Last edited by mom2boys; 10/24/09 05:44 PM.