Quite happily, DS8 has physically worn out several C&H books, as they have been a favorite since just before turning four, and he has been able to quote chapter & verse of C&H since forever.

DS's appreciation & understanding has grown over the years and I credit C&H with at least some of the development of our son's wit & sarcasm.

We also went through a lengthy period of "Polls show..." pronouncements at meals as well as Calvin-like laments over anything that even attempted to build character.

In pleasing contrast, however, our son loves to take baths and enjoys(?) almost all vegetables.

One C&H fan has painstakingly cataloged every strip and added keyword tags, so if you want to find the strip about Calvin and his Paddle Ball, you can do so. (Another fan had the actual images, but the publisher killed that effort.)

And as long as I'm sharing:


Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz