We have been reading Calvin and Hobbs on some one's here suggestion. We have had lots of laughs. This very relatable for me with the drama. Last night I said to my DS9, it's interesting that this boy is young with an imaginary friend and yet he has such big kid thinking. I said he must be gifted. My son said, yeah he uses such big words. So I think my son gets something good from this. I wonder if he can take in how some of the drama is over the top and relate it to his life at home. (he doesn't have drama at school) I also note how it shows the parents frustration.

I was wondering if someone here had thoughts on these cartoons and how it could be helpful to someone gifted with too big a feelings and drama at times. Maybe him just reading it is enough and I should just see if anything else comes naturally. It does seem like a unique opportunity to take advantage of possibly with life skills. Maybe I'm over thinking this.

In Calvin & Hobbs, I have seen some references to sex and some older content that I would normally not allow for my DS9. I feel so strongly that this unique story content is something he can learn by more that these unapproved topics can harm him. This is so different thinking for me. I'm so cautious normally. They are both very sensitive to scarey violent content. My kids are much more shelter than the general population with games and tv. I have loosened up somewhat so to not overdo the sheltered childness. I have tried to put some of the reading content responsibility into my son's hands. I tell him I can't read everything before he does so he needs to monitor himself to a certain point and not read what does not feel appropriate. (He read over 350 books last year, so it is truly not possible.)Any thoughts?

Last edited by onthegomom; 10/22/09 07:40 AM.