This is a great topic. I was at the NAGC conference on parent's day last month and the key speaker was speaking to this exact issue. I cannot find a link to it on their website now. He was modifying the entrance requiements of the university he's at to not jut rely on SAT scores, but to include creative writing and problem soloving in their applications. It was a really fascinating discssion and he was trying to draw the parallel to younger kids and how some very gifted children may be easily overlooked by the standard group tests. And how he was at Harvard (I believe) and the admin there wouldn't really let him pursue this for their admissions.

Both DS7 and DD3 have amazing imaginations. DS7 is always trying to find new and different ways to solve dilemnas around the house. DS7 is also really creative on the piano and composes little songs that sound like backdrops for scary movies.