Dd loves music. She has an unusual ability to memorize songs after hearing them once or twice. Currently she's in musical theater and that is where her heart is. She lights up when she's performing! I love that she has an outlet like this where she can feel totally free!

The other day she came up with something that surprised me. She decided that she was going to invent a remote controlled flying broom! She had 7 pages of plans for her "prototype". Her broom has two seats, one in front of the other. It is propelled with two model rocket engines (I dont know where she gets this stuff), one facing down, the other facing the rear. There are remote controls as well as ones actually on the broom. She has no landing gear yet. She forgot about that! What I found interesting about this was not if she was going to ever actually attempt to make this but just that she had this unique, creative idea that just came from within. I love that creativity!