Wow HKC, that is interesting. My son scored 93th centile on SB-IV, much lower than expected considering his other subtest scores and the fact that he is obviously highly verbally gifted. I was shocked that verbal wasn't his highest score. Other verbal tests he has taken since have been more in line with what I would have expected from him.

I am interested in learning more about the research on 'the dyslexic profile.' I have been so consumed with the more practical issues of teaching DS to read and now homeschooling that I have had little mental energy to pursue anything else.

I failed their screening on the page you linked to even though I learned to read early by watching Sesame Street. I still don't know my times tables for example even though I have always been gifted at math. My husband sometimes forgets I am good at math because I often count on my fingers!

Good luck finding a program that works for your son. All your research will certainly pay off for him.


Last edited by MAE; 10/11/09 09:54 AM.