Thanks folks, just got a chance to check whether anyone responded on this! Grinity, that sounds like a very good idea, I did bring up review several times in July and August...but to little avail. I think explaining it in the terms you suggest will probably help - I wonder if this is the line between 'concepts' and 'facts' - stuff you get for a lifetime because it involves 'understanding' and stuff you have to refresh from time to time because there isn't much of a meaningful anchor, (until you get to really use it!) I am hoping we can work something with the teacher which focuses on bumping up the volume he works the problems, and making them more meaningful, and reduces the timed-tests to few and far between!

I had been wondering about the game Math 24, which is a game which applies the math facts, I have gone around in circles in my head, wondering if he'll like it, hate it, benefit from it, ??? More and more I think we will give it a try as it seems to have defined levels which should make introducing it less shocking.
If anyone has any experience with this game, I'd love to hear more before getting into it...

Thanks mon for the ideas on study and thoughts about accommodations...we had tried timezattack and he really dug it last year, but this year it is a bit of a turn off. He himself asked yesterday if he could switch to, it seemed fun for him and similar to timezattack in that he could focus on one table at a time, so hopefully that change of pace will help.

thanks all!