You need to get out more!
((Humor Alert))

My advice is to apply now, with a portfolio, and then when the scores roll in, you will be 'almost all done' - yes?
Download an application, and get the preschool teacher's rec NOW, before she moves to another state, or forgets.

We ended up with one from DS13's Afterschool French teacher and from a GT teacher from a different part of the state. We met at one of our state gifted program's Saturday 'Learning Jam' kind of things. I had gotten permission for DS to attend with a group who was 1 to 2 years older, because the offerings in his agegroup didn't look that interesting. At the end I stopped in to check on his behavior, and the teachers were floored that he was so much younger - they work with 'gifted' students all day long, and were able to confirm for me that yes, PG is different even if he isn't doing calculus in his highchair. I quickly got the agreement to write the rec, and a phone number, did the follow up and the rest is history.
Other ideas:
That nosy lady in the grocery store,
Any doctors, nurses, dentists
Parents of older gifted kids
Your Accountant - any adult you have dragged your child along with you to any adult-type activity
Docent at a museum. Chaperone during a school trip - watch your kid dominate the conversation which the other children drift off - and get the phone number and agreement.
Anyone with eyes to see - basically,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com