Jen, we *just* went through this with my 9yo dd. Actually, we're finishing up the paperwork on it. Except, in our case, the trigger were books at a reading level higher than grade 3; her reading skills are high school level.

The testing we did suggests that this is neurological development and that she will probably outgrow it. (The "probably" bothers me.) We have the added concern that she used to read smaller print much better than she does now - and the shift came with the need for glasses. <sigh>

One eye doctor actually said that we "shouldn't worry about it" and that Dd will grow into it. Essentially, if it doesn't "hold a child back" from NORMAL educational pursuits, no one wants to worry with it. I'm still back at define "normal" and why should my child be held back if she's capable of more and there are ways to help her?

Our Occupational Therapist suggested a Kindle for Dd, because you can increase the font size pretty dramatically. We're on the cusp of getting one - and the price just dropped on them, too. Just an idea.... HTH!

~ Mingo and 9yo dd