Originally Posted by Dandy
I am admittedly guilty, though, of focusing my efforts on the here & now for my child. Negotiating for small changes rather than pushing for a district wide change-of-heart.

The noble goals take sooo long to accomplish, and my child would likely be long gone before anything meaningful happens. Right now, I barely have the time & energy to deal with him, so I'm being a little selfish.

Don't be guilty Dandy, you are a shining example of 'putting first things first.' It's all true what you say, and it would be a real shame to neglect your own child 'for the greater good.'

Also 'what's good for gifted' may not really meet your own child's needs, and what meets your own child's needs may not be needed by most gifted children.

Also - I totally agree that building a relationship is much more effective and more time consuming that 'here read this.'

So - like so many things - balance is everything. As my child is getting a bit older I am starting to have more energy to look at the bigger picture. Both are good in their own way.


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