My DS7 can remember the most amazing facts from books we read years ago, however, he has trouble remembering math facts. He has no problem whatsoever with doing math problems, it's just the math facts that seem painful to him. This is a problem because he wants to keep learning more advanced math (gets bored easily), but not knowing his facts well is weighing him down.

I just bought a new book that teaches multiplication facts as stories. It is amazing how much he looks forward to working on his facts now! And, he is remembering them with just one exposure. It is called Memorize in Minutes: The Times Tables by Alan Walker. It's hard to explain, but it is kind of like this:

Tree x Tree = Sign

The trees are threes and the sign is nine. My son thinks this is hysterical and loves all the puns interwoven in the stories.

I've heard a version is also available for addition.