Porcupine Named Fluffy, A Lester, Helen 2.4,

My DD6 in 1st Grade just took her 1 AR test on the above book scoring 100%. We had borrowed this book from the library several times before she ever tried to read it so that did make it easier. There were probably 6 words in the book I helped her with but I think she could understand the story even without my help. She has read some books for 3rd Graders but I'm not sure about comprehension or amount of words that were too hard.

Any suggestions to test myDD6's reading level? Hopefully with out a expense. When children are tested in 1st Grade for reading level is their a ceiling to the test?

I'm starting to wonder if she is gifted too. Oh boy, here we go again. She was complain she has to wait for everyone to do the math page just like her brother(borderline DYS)did in 1st. I suspect she could easily be moved to 2nd Grade. At this point I'm against full grade acceleration with my kids but not against her going to other grades for a few classes.

Last edited by onthegomom; 09/30/09 05:50 AM.