Originally Posted by kej
hi, I just joined this forum to answer similar questions of my own. My dd, age 10, scored a 1455. Her 9 year old score was 1285. She's a good reader but seriously, no way does she want to read the kinds of books lexile.com lists as a 1400+ book. I am taking the score with a lot of skepticism.
Yeah, I am not sure how accurate of an assessment lexile is if you are looking to determine reading comprehension or reading interest regarding higher level material. Dd#1's school has moved away from it as a reading assessment tool this year and is using something else. She's a middle schooler. Dd#2's elementary still uses it, though.

For dd#1, her lexile scores have been pretty accurate for her reading comprehension and sometimes interest; for dd#2, not so much so. Dd#2, like everything else she is tested on, fluctuates wildly on lexile tests. I really am not sure what her reading comprehension level is and she doesn't really like to read all that much although she is liking manga books as of late, which is nice.

Dd#1, whose lexile scores have been nearly identical to your dd's at the same age, was reading Stanley Milgram's Obedience to Authority at age 8, the unabridged The Call of the Wild the same year, etc. She loves reading, regularly reads adult books and has for some time. Perhaps she would understand them at a deeper level if she was older, but she seems to be comprehending well enough for them to hold her interest and for her to get the story line out of them.