Hi Mnmom, Have you looked at dyspraxia? Here is a link to symptoms http://www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk/services/ad_symptoms.php

Here is the section on
Learning, thought and memory:

Difficulty in planning and organising thought
Poor memory, especially short-term memory. May forget and lose things
Unfocused and erratic. Can be messy and cluttered
Poor sequencing causes problems with maths, reading and spelling and writing reports at work
Accuracy problems. Difficulty with copying sounds, writing, movements, proofreading
Difficulty in following instructions, especially more than one at a time
Difficulty with concentration. May be easily distracted
May do only one thing at a time properly, though may try to do many things at once
Slow to finish a task. May daydream and wander about aimlessly

Maybe that helps.