Mam, that is what I was thinking of doing. I don't want to send the tester in any one direction. I just didn't know if it was ethical of me or not to withhold the actual testing data. So, thank you everyone for your opinions! You made my decision much easier!

I thought I could tell her that we'd had testing before, we didn't think it was accurate, that my DS has two siblings (one MG and one HG+) and that we are as well, and so that is why I'd like to have someone experienced with both evaluating gifted and 2e, just in case. I figured I'd probably have to tell her that we're concerned about attention issues as well as possible other possible LDs. Really we're just looking for a thorough evaluation that looks into almost everything and I don't want her to rule anything out or in until she meets and evaluates him. Is that reasonable?

She thought she could, so she did.