We have a Leap Frog "My First Spelling Bee" game. It is designed for K-2 but perhaps you can take the game design and use it with more challenging words?

My DS has fun using Scrabble tiles to spell words. Unlike regular Scrabble, he has access to all of the tiles rather than a select few to create the words. He earns a score (using regular Scrabble scoring) which also incorporates a little math practice too! Woo hoo triple word score! smile

Also, we used to play the synonym/antanym game with spelling words when I was a kid. She could learn a synonym or antanym of her assigned words. To prompt the writing, she could create a short story using her new words. A word of the day calendar might be fun too! HTH

Last edited by sittin pretty; 09/23/09 09:34 PM.

Mom to DYS-DS6 & DS3