spellingcity.com is great for my DS9 because he types to practice the words. He already knows the words the first day so to just do more spelling practice is not very meaningful. Learning to type is meaningful! Some one here had mentioned this site before - Thank you!

I need an idea for my DD6's Spelling words. She knows the words on the first day. What can she do to challenge herself with the spelling words? More handwriting practice would be meaningful but she is so tired of that. She has not learned all the finger postions yet for typing and doesn't want to type her spelling words. I told her if she knows her words the first day, Monday, she could take a break and review Thursday night before the test. She is such a good school girl and seemed resistant. I'm thinking her teacher told the class to study every night. I question if she is being challenged enough in school. Why not use her time by doing something else.

Last year my DS would request I give him extra words to challenge him and we would look up definitions in the dictionary. Maybe we will try that.

Maybe something with Spanish? with words like can, cat, man, ect.? Anybody know about learning spanish? I don't know much Spanish but she has expressed a interest. I'm not sure about this. Would this work?

Any other ideas?

Last edited by onthegomom; 09/22/09 08:10 PM.