I also add to please check the information if you go through a local college - we did that and paid $50.00 for the Weschler - the students give the assessment and then their professors (the psychologist) look over everything and help the student put the report together (which is why it is so cheap) - the tester we got had NO clue what she was doing, my son tuned out completely and the score report was an absolute joke. We came to find out this was the first assessment this student tester had ever done.

The next time we did a go around of assessments, I did my homework, put in numerous calls to various psychologists and testing centers I found online across my state and asked a TON of questions concerning their experience testing a 2e child and we found a good match....we only paid $400.00 for both the IQ test and the Woodcock Johnson Achievement tests - $400.00 is still a lot of money but it sure beat the REALLY high prices we were quoted at other centers - so there are deals out there - I suggest doing searches online for your state and local testing centers, psychologists, and universities/schools