I will quadruple the wikki stix recommendation!

Other things we did- I bought tiny stickers and covered DS's arms with them- then gave him a piece of paper to put them on. It would take him a good 30 min to peel off all the little stickers and put them on the paper! Post-it notes are fun too.

I used to buy a bunch of stuff at the dollar store and wrap it up like a present. He could open a new one every hour or when a meltdown was about to begin. Scotch tape is also a favorite on plane flights! Triangle crayons are still a big hit even at 6, because they won't roll off the tray tables.

We also loaded lots of Disney read-along stories onto the iPod and brought a DVD player.

DS is now 6 1/2 and has probably flown 30 times... maybe even more? He just plops into the seat now, buckles, puts on his headphones and grabs a lollipop. It does get easier!

Last edited by CAMom; 09/20/09 09:11 PM.