Hi newmom! Boy I would not want to be in your shoes. I could not imagine a flight that long for myself, let alone my toddler.

How old is your DD? I second chris' recommendation of a personal DVD player or a laptop but it really depends on her age and personality. When I fly with my DD (She has been flying since before age 2)we take a tiny laptop for some movies and some new books she hasn't read yet. We also take a doodlepro mini travel size so we can draw and write. This is what keeps her occupied during the flights but we are talking 3-4 hour flights, nothing like what you describe.

Is this her first flight? We also take little snacks for her to eat during take off and landing so she can keep her ears open. Really works.

I hope you have a wonderful trip. If I can think of anything else I will be sure to post.