DS7.5 had 2 imaginary friends when he was about 18mo until he was 4 or so. Buttcake (we started calling him B.C. for obvious reasons, lol) and Dommer. B.C. used to teach him songs and right around 2.5 when his baby brother was getting mobile, he learned a song that went "Because it's *MINE* and it's NOT yours, but it *IS* mine!"- sung with an adorable sing song-y voice.

Dommer and B.C. were cousins and they went on all sorts of adventures together. When DS5 was old enough, around 2 maybe, he adopted them, too. I used to joke that it was so sad that everything he owned was a hand-me-down, even his imaginary friends, lol. Last I heard they had moved to another planet that they found when they were out in their space ship.

Somehow DD3 has never had an imaginary friend. I think her brothers keep her busy enough that she just doesn't have time. She's also just very logical and I don't think it would occur to her to make up a whole pretend person.