Originally Posted by Mam
A few tidbits on IF:
- much more common in gifted dc
- more common in highly verbal kids (these 2 combined make me think, in our dd's case for example, she had no real peers who spoke nearly as well as she did....)
- many fiction writers report having had IF
- more common in only children.
- more prevalent in girls than boys.

Forgot to say 2 things. 1) the time bending is hilarious! 2) Enjoy them while they last. While I have heard of many kids losing their friends over a specific incident (getting lost on vacation, dying, etc.) our DD's simply slowly disappeared. We suddenly realized they were gone.

Thanks for the tidbits. It makes sense and definitely explains my DD. She was/is a very verbal kid and has been since 3 months old and she is an only child. She, too, has problems connecting with kids her own age or even a little older. Her imaginary friends are abundant but mostly they are taken from books she reads or animals: real or stuffed. She has forever changed her voice for the IF when in a conversation with them.

I had to smile when reading about the time bending; great imagination there Seablue. And you should definitely enroll her in the art, theater and dance program. I suspect she will love it.