Originally Posted by spook
I've been asked to help out with reading to a boy that is struggling with his reading and to be honest its proving a lot harder than I thought it would,

Hi Spook, Welcome!

I think it's great that you are trying to help this boy. Also that it gets you out of that superficial adult interaction. I would encourage you to persevere, even if it's totally a new experience.

1) because it really gives a great insight into what the teachers are dealing with
2) because you are probably doing a great job, and just don't realize it because these things really do take time. My hunch is that even if this child doesn't improve his reading much at all, that just you being kind and interested will add to his life in many ways.
3) Everyone else is probably just as frustrated and helpless feeling with him as you are.

Anyway - good job to try it!

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