It sounds like the teacher doesn't even understand Montessori - let alone giftedness. By holding him back and only "introducing certain work at certain times" she's completely going against the Montessori philosophy of letting a child prgress at their own pace. Our Montessori teacher did the same thing and held the kids back. I understand that they may have a plan that generally works for "everyone" - but if they are going to keep an extraordinary person in their school -they need to make accommodations or ask you to leave. I think using library books would be a great idea. But also - why are you so afraid of going to the public school if you have teacher experience and it sounds like you have a specificed learning disability? Couldn't you just get your child an IEP before he even starts or accelerate him to start in 1st grade? IEP classes are usually quiet, and a lot smaller - I thought that was the whole idea anyway?