Warning - this is very long. Much of this I posted before but someone questioned our IEP Math plan so here goes. I totally understand if noone wants to read this.

my ds9 broad score from Woodcock Johnson III Achievement test.
He is going into 3rd Grade.

Broad Reading 133, 99%
Broad Math 145, 99.9%
Broad Written 127, 97%

Norms based on 8yrs,9months

subtest,stadard score, percentge rank, Age equivalent

Letter word ident., 122, 93,12-9
reading Fluency, 137, 99, 14-6
Spelling, 126,96,15-2
writing Fluency 130,98,12-1
passage comprehesion 126,96,15-3
writibg samples 101, 53, 8-11
word attack 121,92,16-11
reading vocabulary, 137, 99, 15-4
Story recall 128, 97, >21
understanding Directions 121, 92,15-0
Calculation 146, 99.9, 15-2
Math Fluency 122, 93, 11-2
Applied Problems, 140, 99.6, 13-10
Picture Vocabulary 118, 89, 12-0
Oral Comprehension 138, 99.5, >23
Quantitve Concepts 130,98, 12-11
Academic Skills, 134, 99,14-1

cluster grouping:
Basic reading skills 123, 94, 14-1
Reading Comprehension, 136, 99, 15-4
Math calculation 143,99.8, 13-4
Total Achievement 140, 99.6, 13-6

I don't really know exactly what would be the correct reccomendation for a child with the above scores. My ds�s school psy. did the testing and had info at IEP time.

Why does the score<23 have a lower number? what does the math scores really mean?

My son is very self motivated and works well independently. He loves Math and Science and has many interests. Big concerns - not too many books or extra stuff to keep track of & social development

Socially - My DS9's prior school (prek-1st) therapist said there is nothing wrong with him, just 2 yrs behind in maturity and a bit out of balance because of high intelect. He can be intense. He will catch up.(She didn't specialize in gifted) She said he was the smartest kid she every met. Last year, school was hard - baby talk in school, he sharpended many pencils down to little bits, became disengaged and he left himself out of playing a lot due to sensitivity. Kids do tend to be interested in playing with him - he is an idea guy, he is welcomed as one of a team or even the foreman/expert at times. He has a way to go understanding friendship and keeping other peoples feelings in mind. He buged kids sometimes at school last year. The neighbor kids keep coming by to play so that�s good. Luckily he is good at sports so that helps him socially. I like most of the friends at school he picks.

Other Schools-
I am also keeping in mind a 20 minutes away Montessori School. $$$$ is a issue for us. I also like the ideas of him staying in the school near home so relationship are more convient and more apart of community. At this point, since I don't have a choice let's see what his current school will do.

Stresses - Last year, he was hypoglycecmic and crabby when I picked him up from school frequently. One day, I locked the snacks and keys in the car at pick up and he beemed me with a snowball like he would of liked to knock my block off. A lot of the stress was due to his class being repremanded for behavior and losing table points and boredom. He sharpened many pencils down to little bits, failed some tests, although his final grades were good because of so many 100% tests. He did not need to study. He studies his math and spelling to be faster. Teacher had competions in math and spelling that made the Math and spelling meaningful.

I would love to hear IEP suggestions. I do plan to get a book on this.

Teachers & I agree he should not go up a grade. I would be open to him going up a grade for one class like Math but I�m not sure this is the better plan

Here's the plan for this year.

They will let him do 5th Grade while remaining with his class. In the beginning of the year, the gifted teacher will make sure he is ok with doing the 5th Grade math. She has extra time before her gifted classes start in Oct. (I hope this means they will take care of any topics he will miss in 3rd and 4th Math). I have a list of thigs that may be unique in 3 & 4 Math from this site. I have Alex (internet math w. accessment) to try or extra work books for 3 & 4Grade Math if needed. Once DS9 does 5th Grade Math, while the rest of the class does 3rd, the teacher will have time to help with his questions. He can get out his math puzzle/Mindware work books if done early. The gifted teacher will make sure he understands the rational/methods in the extra books, so he does the work well and She will check his work. The plan is for him to listen to the 3rd Grade Math class's instruction which takes 5 minutes. They want him to do this so he will know the IOWA information.

The school was open to DS going to a 5th Grade Math Class for Math. I'm not sure if it was a scheduling problem. They said that can be an issue sometimes. I'm not sure if 5th graders are taken thru the math pages, one problem at a time like they did in 2nd. It might be too slow for him if he has to wait for everyone toget it and go thru each problem with the class. DS9 reads and calculates faster than I do.(I�m not a math person) Last year, in 2nd grade he did not have to wait for everyone to get thru each problem and he could zoom ahead and do his extra math books. He loves the mindware.com books. This plan worked great except, I think he was bored with the 2nd grade Math pages and developed some poor work checking habits.

I would like to see him accelerate in Math to his heart's content in the future. DS took an online writing course this summer with this goal in mind. I think he needs to be older to manage the course without being too high maitence at school. I'm not sure if the school is open to online learning like this. They didn't get back to me about this yet. They have a computer lab but only a few classrooms have computers. The school is wireless in the classrooms.

His school has math Olympiad and Mathcounts. Maybe he can get in on this. I'm not sure about requirements/age/level or what it's all about. My DS seem to love the competion and not get to upset by it unless he thinks something is unfair. (A 5 yr old whipped his butt in a Chess Game tournament at library and he handled it fine. Our school has a Chess club & Math club. I don't think it's all year. He may not get in the Chess club because they have to limit the numbers and the club starts the next grade up.

More IEP - non Math

They will give him the choice to read higher level books to be tested on the computer. Everyone in his class must read 50.

He has a choice to write a paragraph rather than a sentence for his cursive writing practice. Although, he did beautifully with his writing last year, he says he hates cursive.

They are open to him reading if he gets done early with his school work.

He may do some independent studies and presentations during this school year. They are to be done during the school day when he is done with work early. He likes science and has lots of interests. This gave him something to be excited about learning last year. It was very open ended.

They will pull him out with a group two times a week for 20 Minutes each time for math and reading enrichment program. He likes this. I'm concerned this will stop being fun for him as he gets more advance. I thought for the future might be to put him in higher level enrichment.

Last year, he was very bored of already knowing the information or having to review too much. His teacher was very creative with supporting art projects and spelling and math competions that made the practice Homework more meaningful. I helped with Art once a week. He tuned out during art instructions he didn't need while much of the class was confused. He failed tests last year from zoning out. He sharpened many pencils down to little bits. Right now we need to stay in this school and make the best of it. The teacher says his plan can be flexible.

The goal is to challenge while let him feel apart of his peer group. So far the kids seem to look up to him for being smart in our neighborhood and school. I hope this will last. He's good at sports so that helps him connect with the other boys although social is hard at times. They say he is the very top student in his grade. I'm thinking they won't be teaching to his level. He learns very quickly and has not needed to study in the past.

I have some more ideas some of which I received some are from this site.

I like the idea of him expanding his writing abilities tied into these AR books. He reads very quickly - about 10 books a week in summer 15 a week last winter (many are age level mixed in with above level). His testing show above level comprehension.

I will try to get recommended books. I am looking for more he can do that keeps him busy using his time well without isolation or without more books and stuff to keep track of.

Some of the ideas that I have are:
have him take an extra gym class. But that might cause resentment. Wow would that be good for him if that would work. He loves gym.

Another idea that the school liked but couldn't schedule last year was to take music lesson. They offered the keyboard. I thought that would be great if he liked it and didn't feel like he was isolated or missing out on being with his class.

I feel very luck the school is aware of abilities and willing to work with us. They said they never had a student like this before. I'm still worried for him. I'm not sure the existing plan will be enough for him. I feel like I need to be ready with more ideas. Things don't happen fast at school.