I pm'd you - we are in the same identical boat you are right now after 2 weeks of school...we have called and talked with everyone under the sun - the teacher, the principal, the guidance counselor, the psychologist over the school (who had the NERVE to ask if we had ever considered medication because of his antsy-ness) and we keep telling them over and over and over - he is bored, you have a huge array of data/testing telling you all of this information and it clearly states he is highly gifted and needs to be accelerated and he is bored out of his mind and so is becoming a massive behavior problem. Their answer is that he has to sit and do the work the teacher gives him no matter how easy it is until at least the end of the first 9 weeks so the teacher can see where all the students are...so meanwhile my little guy is miserable, is being yelled at constantly and is turning into a pain in the hiney.
So would love to hear what your next steps will be...I can so empathize with you!!!