Hi everyone. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. and today, I'm a frustrated Mommy.

My DS is 6. He is one of those, see it once, learned it, what's next? kinda kids. He read right before his third birthday and was doing simple math concepts of his own devising before he could walk, with manipulatives.

Last year he went to K at our local public school. He sat bored and lazy for months because of the school community classroom concept, ie everything was taught on the simplest level over and over until everyone got it. It took months of bureaucratic headaches to have him pulled out for reading and math everyday and even then, they pulled him at times when he missed what they consider now to be "specials", art, music, etc.

We've had several sit downs with the administration. At the last one at the end of last year, we agreed on a schedule for this year that had him spending two hours a day, not at specials time, with a group of teachers from higher grades to keep him interested and working and progressing on his level. (4th grade)

Now we are almost a month into first grade and big surprise, nothing is happening. All we agreed to went out the window and we are getting a huge run around from the administration. All we have accomplished so far is that he is enrolled in the gifted program, one day, one hour per week.

Meanwhile I get the notes from the teacher: disruptive behavior, talking, mindlessly kicking his chair or tapping his pencil, shouting out answers, and generally being a big old pain in the butt. Big surprise, he is a bored 6 year old boy!

This is all still very new to me. I can't help feeling unprepared to be his best advocate working within the school system. I'm frustrated and feel overwhelmed.

I'm looking for resources, other parents in my area (east Atlanta, GA), book suggestions, anything to help me help him get what he needs! Any ideas?