Here's my favorite "style" link currently:

Also a big fan of the quizzes and analysis in this book:

Our whole family took the learning dispositions quiz--and so did my teaching partners. I thought is was really interesting
(although I didn't find the learning recommendations to be very helpful).

Really we are all a blend, not strictly one or the other. I however am a learning style quiz junkie--not so much because of the write ups of my "results", but because of how much I learn about myself when I stop and think about the questions. I've found that stopping to notice the bits and pieces of myself has given me a certain amount of power over my life that I otherwise wouldn't have. For instance, I had stopped taking notes post-college, but then--through a question on a quiz--realized that I always wrote down every word the professor said NOT because I was going to study the notes later (really I rarely referred to them again) but because the act of writing the words encodes what I'm hearing in a way that just listening doesn't. Guess what? I'm back to scrawling notes I never look at again whistle