My son, age 13, entering 9th grade, processes verbal info better than spatial info. He is at his best with verbal info when he can hear it, rather than read it, although his reading level is very high. When he was younger, everything was so high, that it was hard to tell his learning style ((blush)) - that sounds embarrassing, but the truth is that it was really more of a problem of a mismatch between his abilities and what was asked of him academically.

I bought this book,,
which has a whole chapter on learning style, but it was too soon to tell, because the challenge level was such a mismatch.

Obviously, there is no agreement on 'what the different types of learners are' but in some kids, various senses seem to be prefered, and in other kids abstract v. concrete or intuitive v. sequential is important. I think that processing speed affects learning style. Mine is high, and I love tasks like: 'Find the common thread in this list of random words.' That kind of task would drive DS and DH wild. According to some folks love to complete a task, while others get there kicks adding more and more nuance to the picture.

It has been very useful to our family to look at the adults as well, in terms of what is their world is like. My DH has perfect pitch, but if the counter gets cluttered, he can't find an object in plain sight. I get less calm from clutter, but I can still find stuff. I just have to keep in mind that if I'm singing while I'm looking, then the pained look on DH's face might be because I'm off-key!

I am curious to hear how it's been for other families.

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