I have a HG+ child that didn't really read until kindergarten. At which time he jumped about 4-5 grade levels in a year. I didn't know he was more than a little gifted before kindergarten. I actually thought he was behind because there were so many Montissori kids at our school that were doing early reading. Little did I know it would take only a couple weeks to get him to be where they were.

Anyway - a couple things I noticed with our experience
1 - he didn't take off reading until he could read at his interest level. He never really read much below 3rd grade level.
2 - he tends to be visual-spatial somewhat.
3 - he was never interested in early reading. He likes to blend with his peers. He went to a very play based preschool program that didn't even introduce letters. He much preferred exploring science, math, puzzles, active play, etc as a preschooler.

He has a sister coming up behind him I think is going to be the same way.