Thanks St. Pauli girl and kmbunday. Will look into both of your suggestions and links! I really appreciate your input!

I believe they both are strong programs academically what little I know about each but very different in other significant ways- philosophy, teaching style/methods. What I was hoping to find firsthand was info about fit- i.e. the type of child that does or does not do well at either place based on anybody's personal experience. (I have been to schools that have great open houses and websites but when you visit during the day or speak to parents or children who have gone there, you get a totally different picture.) Since I need to decide before schoool starts, I don't have the benefit of tapping into those avenues-

I think middle school is such a pivotal time because you have to really consider developmental/ personality/individual learning preferences of each unique child or you lose them- at that point they have a history-either they have had good experiences at school or not so good ones- if you have a smart kid often its the latter. Since I am riding solo on this decision, I am afraid to make a poor choice ( again)- one that I regret. Its been a struggle- this gifted world is all new to me- had problems at his past schools as I am sure you all have had- did not know it was because my son is gifted until I had him tested and was told his needs have been overlooked.