We had DS ( 6 years 4 months, starting 1st grade) do achievement testing yesterday- the WIAT-II. He took the SB-V last year and is confirmed HG. We don't have results back yet from the WIAT but our ed.psych said there was a very large discrepancy between his reading/math scores and his writing. She suggested that we give it 6 months in school before we begin looking into diagnosis.

I've noticed at home that he has a horrible time putting anything on paper. He can talk for an hour but it will take him 20 min to write "The dog sat." He can spell just fine just above grade level, but he cannot spell on paper at all. "The dog sat" becomes "tHe dgo sta."

His teacher last year refused any academic accommodations, he spent the K year coloring letters and butterflies.

So my question is- is there any sort of defining characteristic that will help us figure out if it is dysgraphia vs. a sheer lack of instruction? I've googled and read just about everything here but I'm not sure I still understand at this age how to tell the difference.