Meeting got cancelled. Teacher's kid was sick. However, DH and I talked and decided that we had to give up trying to let the school do it all. So, starting this weekend, we are doing a couple of hours of Mommy school on the weekends. Physics and moviemaking.

Interesting thing - Trinity will love this - DD(6) was more interested and engaged in the physics discussion than DS (7). She took notes and was the first to guess that magnetism was a type of force - although DS ran with the idea quite well after that.

We also started planning the plot, characters, and setting for our first attempts at making a stop action movie. (First one will just be a slide show with a sound track. - although, maybe we should go with a silent movie first. Didn't think about that.)

I'll let you know when we get rescheduled for school - but maybe the enrichment at home will help.... as DD is starting to have as many problems as DS.....


P.S. yes, Trinity.... you told me so.
