My ideal elementary school would have block scheduling where the children could move comfortably from room to room, age group to age group, and pace group to pace group in each subject. The teachers would have wonderful sences of both humor and decency. Writing and Reading would be uncoupled, so that an age appropriate writer who is ready for big books could easily be accomidated. The blocks would be long, and perhaps not everyday, so that children could work on projects. Working in groups would be supported, and children would be taught how to do it, but it wouldn't be a required thing. It would be recognised that some children aren't ready for group and academics together at this age. Memorization would be approached as an important skill, but not the only important skill, so that a child who was having trouble with Math Facts wouldn't be held back from learning Math Ideas. Perhaps no homework, but maybe in school study halls so that children would learn to work independently, with support. Maybe independent study projects for kids who didn't need the study hall time?

It would be recognised that for some students 8-3 daily is too much, and partial programs would exist to support homeschoolers. Afterschool activites in sports, dance, music, karate, art, lego leauge and drama would exist on-campus so that children with two working parents could us their time well. The afterschool programs would be of such a high quality that other children from the community would attend and broaden the population of children that the kids get to interact with.

Given all that, DS is in an academically oriented private school with no pretensions of being "for gifted." The nearest "gifted" school is 1 hour away. I would strongly prefer to be gradeskipped from early elementary school to paying for private school, but that wasn't offered. The fear with gifted schools is that they can be to "full of themselves" to recognise the difference between level 2+ and level 4 kids. Flexibility is the key, key, key thing for any school.


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