One other random thought re: making friends in general (not the pre-K)...

Have you tried matching him up with MG+ kids 1-2 years older than he is? MG kids are usually easier to find than HG+ kids because statistically speaking, there are just more of them.

We had some lasting friendships formed that way when DS8 was aged 3-5 years. He's still good friends with a boy he met in pre-K who is MG-HG and a year older, even though they haven't gone to the same school since then, they don't live in our neighborhood, etc.

The GT component helps with the intellectual peer part, and 1-2 years isn't such a wide range that kids won't play with the younger child.

Maybe irrelevant, but hopefully useful! smile

Last edited by Kriston; 07/29/09 07:48 AM. Reason: Added the point about there being more MG kids.
