I love reading all these stories. Kriston's story reminded me of my DS3. Last year, he fell and hit his face on the ground. He grabbed his mouth and started crying. I said, "Let me see, did you hurt your lips?" He said through his tears, "no, I hurt my maxilla." I said "your WHAT?!" He said, a little uncertain, "my maxilla." And I just burst out laughing with surprise. Still with tears streaming down his face but now his pain completely forgotten, he pointed to the part above his lips and said, "what's this called?" He thought my laughing at him meant he got it wrong.

He's always been interested in the human body. This year, when we announced that there is a baby in my belly, he said with a concerned voice, "I hope the baby doesn't drink your blood. You need your blood." So, I told him that the baby is in my uterus and there's no blood in it, and that the uterus will grow and stretch with the baby, like a balloon, so there will be plenty of room for the baby to grow. He said, "I hope your uterus doesn't get too big and pop. The baby might get startled by the loud noise." The kid has many worries.