When I asked my junior (3y 10 m) what makes rain fall down, he said simply "gravity".

When he is searching for some thing he explains that he has "misplaced" it.
He adores his Dad so much that he wishes he were a sea horse.
(His mother tongue is tamil not english)

While discussing something the other day with DH I used the words "cannot say" in tamil.Junior immediately said "I think you mean "maybe" in english.

When Senior was 3.5 years old I told him the story of the thirsty crow who put pebbles in the jug to drink water.He immediately said "Oh so the crow used Archimedes Principle to raise the level of water"(I had taught him the principle at 2.5).

When Senior was 7.5 and hurt himself, I cleaned the wound with Dettol liquid soap and mentioned casually that had I used Savlon maybe it would not have stung so much (since that was Savlon's USP - to heal without hurting).By the time I ended the sentence, he had 1 observation - "Dettol was in the market before Savlon".
Flabbergasted, I asked him to explain.He said patiently," You see once a product is launched in the market,it takes some time for an improved version to come in.Since both products are available in the same market and being purchased by the same customers, Dettol would have been introduced first.The reverse, according to him is not logically possible in the same customer segment."

My older son(33 weeker 8y 10m) was wondering aloud the other day whether something could be done to make human limbs grow back like lizard tails.Says it would help accident victims and is planning to research on stem cells during these holidays....

Enjoy your kids ...