Here, even the Royalty goes to school!

Besides, private schools will not neccessarily be more accomodating.

Actually, DD's school considers acceleration as a posibilty - it is writen in their guidelines. The problem is that since DD does not know the letters or numbers yet it is pointless.

What I can do however is 'hothoused' her a little. She has now a private teacher to help her with the Dutch language so that the language barrier dissapears.

I think the problem is that she knows what an average 4.5 old kid knows but thinks as a 7ish yr old one and the activities in the classroom seem to her as disconected little bits of information that do not make sense to her.

Next tuesday I am going to the school and I will spend the morning with her. I hope this help me to understand what is going on in her mind.

I have as well set an appointment with the psycologist that tested her and see if she can help to restore her confidence in herself a little.

Trinity, your son seems quite a revolucionary LOL!!