Hi there,

I would like to ask your opinion on two topics:

1. DD says she is bored at the school. She is completely lacking any enthousiasm about it (except for gym class). I spoke with the teacher and she said that DD look quite ok and was not aware that she was so unhappy. The teacher then talked to DD to see what she dislike of the school and DD said that all the activities were 'too difficult'. I have noticed that at home she does not like to try new things if she does not succeded in the first atempt.

She is not reading yet and only counts until 6 so it is not the typical boredom of already knowing all the curriculum.

Teachers thinks is lack of self-esteem and she is going to give simpler tasks that she can certainly do to boost her self-esteem.

I know she does not have a high self-esteem but giving her simpler task, mmm, I am not certain it is the best way.

What do you think is going on?

Ah! She is in a Montessori school, with kids aged 4 to 6. She is 4 yr and 4 months old now. Homeschooling is not an option - not legal here simply.
If she would be more academically advaced I would push for acceleration, but right now does not make any sense.

2. Second question: she does not believe in Santa, or 'Sinterklaas' (the Dutch equivalent of Santa), but she does prentend she does. She already made the remark at 2.5 yr old that 'Sinterklaas was when Mama and Papa have hidden presents in the cabinet under the stairs...'
If I explain to her the origing of the traditon, will she understand that she should not tell the other children in her class? What is your experience in this respect?