Yes, but this is what I did:
I really didn't investigate first. I had her read first grade work (she is 5) on video and she felt weird doing it on video. Then we read second grade work, but I kept thinking she'd get stuck on a word and would quit, so I turned off the camera, just to have her figure out the word and keep reading, so I turned it back on. It must have looked weird.
I didn't want to rehearse in any way, so this was my weird method. Is there a way to capture a child doing what they do best, without them feeling self conscious for the camera or rehearsing them?
This is my thought now:
I could buy a second grade workbook and have her fill it in on camera, maybe a hidden camera (or say it isn't turned on).
She does academics 2 grade levels ahead and some 3 ahead, but capturing it is so hard! She doesn't write stories yet, still has creative spelling that is hard to read.
Any advise for me?