Oh dear. Sigh. Glad I asked about Brain Gym. I had a feeling there was a reason I never saw it mentioned here.

Artana, I appreciate your response too. What you say makes sense and explains why I haven't heard anything from the school psychologist who administered the test, even though my daughter does have a difference of 2+ standard deviations. I'll need to be more of an advocate as long as my daughter is functioning in the regular classroom, which she is, albeit with distress that she conveys at home. The psychologist I consulted felt pretty confident that there are attention problems, so I'm trying to figure out how to address that without pursuing an official diagnosis leading to medication. I don't think vision is a problem, but I will absolutely have it checked. Like I said, I'm willing to try anything. :-)

What do you mean by "having the IQ test broken up"? Do you mean that the kids take different parts at different times?