I would like to pass on this path that I found on Hoagies Gifted Ed Page. It contains a graph that apparently shows a correlation between the scores that gifted kids received on previous I.Q. tests and the scores they received on the new tests. Of particular interest is that the Stanford-Binet V scores are significantly lower than the earlier tests as well as the new WISCIV.

My DS10 who I would put at level 4 on the Ruf scale had scored exactly the spread that is cited on this graph between his SB4 at 6years and the SB5 at 10years. The examiner stated this has been the norm in his experience with the SB5.


This may explain why your son scored lower than expected-mine certainly did. I�m sure the Davidson team is already aware of this issue, but you may consider the WISC instead if you are looking for a higher score. The examiner warned us of the lower scores in advance, but I opted for it anyway because the SB has more math reasoning which I wanted him tested for.
